Okay, so this is not the kind of thing we usually would encourage. I mean summer '09 is still here and blazing so why look at the distant future rather than enjoying the present? But I'm making an exception just to raise some points.
Justanotherfashionkid, a swedish fashion blogger who's been in the game for quite some time points us to
these preview pictures (courtesy of
King Magazine) from the of the upcoming spring/summer 2010 collection from everyone's (us included) favorite brand
Our Legacy, displayed at the ongoing
Copenhagen Fashion Week.
Now, I'm aware that we've been praising these guys like crazy in the past and we're hardly the only ones. Still, looking at these pictures I find myself asking: where's the innovativeness? These could have just as easily been pictures of the current collection The denim shirt, the jeans, the college sweater - yep, they're all there and I've seen it before. In fact I had to double- and triple-check just to make sure this really was from the upcoming collection.
I know it's unfair to form an opinion based just upon some pictures off the web that probably just shows a fraction of the collection (one of the reasons I hate the "always one or two season ahead"-mentality). And
Our Legacy is still one of my favorite brands. But the featured stuff they've pretty much already done in the past, save for the striped shirt (hideous), the bags (not really doing it for me, but not bad) and the shoes (Did they really put a print of stamps on those high ones? Or are they real? Really like the lower model boots however, though maybe not for summer). The real highlight however is the photo of
Jockum Hallin, always the dapper embodiment of the brand aesthetic.
So, is
Our Legacy jumping the shark? I really hope not, and I'm going to reserve my final judgment until the collection actually comes out in stores. After all there seems to be some possible goodies in there, like the orange pants and the blue/white-plaid shirt.