Once again we bring you an article from french
Redingote, this time promoting "Made in France" and more particular footwear brand
Paraboot. And just as last time, an english translation can be found below.
For a long time now people have become more and more aware of the origin and production of products.The "sneaker addicts" and streetwear fans have been replaced by the "Monocle Men", suddenly obsessed with videos of manufacturing and craftmanship, which has only reinforced this trend that is evident today.
Suddenly, three-quarters of the American brands quickly got bumped by reinforcing their "heritage" and starting to film their manufacturing processes one after another, thus creating a general obsession with the American continent.
So obviously, this article has no intention of misscrediting brands like
Levi's or
Pendleton who have played the game of the trend, highlighting their true heritage when everyone seems to seek it, but rather to stress that the "Made in France" could also have some wind in their sails.
There are indeed prestigious labels in France, although some brands have to relocate their production.
Paraboot, on the other hand, continues to manufacture 350,000 pairs per year in the valley of d'Isère by their 200 artisans. The brand has nothing left to prove: they produce beautiful and authentic sturdy shoes in the same way they've done since 1919, and although Richard-Pontvert, the founder, have brought the concept of rubber soled boots from the americans, the mark is the only one in the world today to manufacture its own latex soles.
A very respected tradition, but never at the expense of innovation. Thanks to this invaluable know-how,
Paraboot has managed to produce flawless derby shoes and half hunts, moccasins, and others that have made this brand enormously respected. Also, for new afficionados of workmanship,
Paraboot shows on their website photographs of meticulous craftsmen, beautifully crafted leather and old hands dirty at work. In short, everything is there to seduce them, especially now with the shoes to boot. The name? The Michael. A legendary pair from 1945 made for farmers, loggers and workers of that time ...